Occupational Course of Study (OCS)
The Occupational Course of Study (OCS) is one of the two ways to obtain a NC diploma at Lionheart Academy. Unlike the traditional diploma track, the OCS track has a curriculum that is functional and hands on with a focus of employment in the competitive work force. Each student has an individualized career portfolio that documents the North Carolina required course credits as well as their work hours needed to obtain the OCS diploma. School based training hours for our OCS students includes:
- Tripps
- Goodwill Industries
- Reconsidered Goods
- Chick-fil-A
- Nerd Bombers
- Horse Power
- Lebanon Baptist Church
- The Masonic Temple
Lionheart also offers a hybrid program for students who are able to participate in the standard diploma program but also would benefit from work skills training.
For more information about the differences between OCS and Standard Diploma, see this document.